Wisconsin development fund grants re plant closings and the Wisconsin minority business opportunity committee [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 292c, 9109 (1d), (2q)]  - SB44
``African-American History and Cultural Heritage Month" declared the month of February - AJR12
``African-American History and Cultural Heritage Month" declared the month of February - AJR63
``African-American History and Cultural Heritage Month" declared the month of February - AR36
African American History and Cultural Heritage Month: Governor directed to annually proclaim February as  - AB771
Compulsive gambling program for African Americans and persons of Southeast Asian origin: grants from Indian gaming receipts [S.Amdt.121 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 492g, 614g, 1857m] -  SB44
Compulsive gambling program for African Americans and persons of Southeast Asian origin: grants from Indian gaming receipts -  SB251
Employment discrimination: action in circuit court to recover damages permitted, assessment provision; committee to study wage disparities between men and women and minority group and nonminority group members -  AB318
Employment discrimination: action in circuit court to recover damages permitted, assessment provision; committee to study wage disparities between men and women and minority group and nonminority group members -  SB130
Hmong cultural center: funding and construction [S.Amdt.121 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 26m, 680, 687p, 690q, 9106 (1)(hm), (7k)] -  SB44
Hmong cultural center: funding and construction -  SB250
Hmong culture in Wisconsin and the right of the Hmong people to preserve their culture recognized  - SR13
``Hmong-Lao Appreciation Day" declared May 14 -  AJR32
``Hmong-Lao Appreciation Day" declared May 14 -  SJR23
``Hmong-Lao Appreciation Day" declared May 14; Congress urged to establish the day throughout the U.S.  - SJR18
Hmong veterans: efforts during Vietnam War commemorated and burial ceremony re Wisconsin Lao Veterans of America - SR29
Intradistrict special transfer program: level of compliance set - AB986
Intradistrict special transfer program: level of compliance set - SB542
Lawton and Wisconsin higher education grant program revisions [Sec. 329, 385, 389, 390, 933, 939, 984, 989; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, U.W. auxiliary enterprises funding for grant programs, 318x, 329d, 386d, 388m-390d, 933g, 939g, 984d-990g, 9157 (1x), 9425 (2x), 9457 (2x), deletes 329, 389, 390, 984] -  SB44
LC staff attorney fluent in Spanish required -  AB56
Minority health grants from Indian gaming revenue revised [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2059g] -  SB44
Recreation programs for children and families of Southeast Asian origin: grants for summer and after-school programs [S.Amdt.121 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1272g]  - SB44
Recreation programs for children and families of Southeast Asian origin: grants for summer and after-school programs - SB251
STH 122 designated as the ``Harriet Tubman Memorial Highway" -  AB32
Missing in action (MIA), see Veteran
MMSD (Milwaukee metropolitan sewerage district), see Milwaukee — Sewerage
Mobile home
Motor home, mobile home, or recreational vehicle: maximum permissible length and width revised  - AB501
Motor vehicle certificate of title revised re issuance of distinctive and replacement certificates and reference to DOJ checking records for stolen vehicles; special distinguishing registration plates for national guard members expanded to include certain trucks and motor homes -  AB778
Motor vehicle certificate of title revised re issuance of distinctive and replacement certificates and reference to DOJ checking records for stolen vehicles; special distinguishing registration plates for national guard members expanded to include certain trucks and motor homes -  SB420
New motor vehicle warranty: law governing repair, replacement, and refund revised; ``nonconformity" definition modified; motor home and commercial motor vehicle provisions - AB856
Recreational mobile homes: personal property tax exemption revised -  AB127
Safety glass requirement for motor vehicles: exception for certain mobile homes created -  SB491
Mobile telephone, see Telephone
Mold (fungus), see Public health
Money, see specific subject
Safety program for motorcycles, mopeds, and motor bicycles: separate appropriation created [Sec. 429, 430; deleted by S.Amdt.121 to S.Sub.Amdt.1] -  SB44
``Covered loan" re consumer mortgage lenders regulated; exclusive state regulation; DFI duties specified; parity for federally insured depository institutions - SB509
``Covered loan" re consumer mortgage lenders regulated; ordinance provision and DFI duties specified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, ordinance provision removed, exclusive state regulation authority, parity for federally insured depository institutions] -  AB792
High-cost home loan regulations created; DFI authority specified; affirmative defense provision  - AB991
Homestead tax credit: definition of income modified -  AB70
Housing Rehabilitation Program and Homeownership Mortgage Loan Program revisions; WHEDA bonding authority increased; confidentiality provision; appendix report by Comm.Dept -  AB902
Housing Rehabilitation Program and Homeownership Mortgage Loan Program revisions; WHEDA bonding authority increased; confidentiality provision; appendix report by Comm.Dept -  SB497
Mortgage banking and mortgage brokering laws revised -  AB610
Mortgage banking and mortgage brokering laws revised; Division of Banking and TCS Board duties [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  SB279
Veteran personal loan program: amount DVA may loan that is secured by a mortgage or guarantor revised  - SB546
Moser, William R.
Life and public service - SJR35
Motion picture, see Amusement; Obscenity
Motor fuel, see Gasoline
Computer chip installed in vehicles to determine mileage re collecting revenue: DOT prohibited from enforcing or administering law or rule -  AB87
CWD eradication zone: sunset on shooting wild animals from certain vehicles repealed -  AB994
Fire calls on certain highways re vehicle fire: reimbursement procedure for town and certain cities and villages modified - AB471
Hybrid-electric vehicle or vehicle operating on gasohol or alternative fuels: use as state-owned or leased vehicles required when feasible; DOA to encourage use among agencies and residents, report required; definition provided [A.Amdt.1: certified assembled in U.S. for State lease or purchase]  - SB155
Motor vehicles that use certain energy-efficient fuels: sales and use tax exemption created -  SB432
Specialized medical vehicle: MA-certified provider requirements revised re wheelchair accomodations  - AB549
State automotive museum: Wisconsin Automotive Museum in City of Hartford designated as - SB468
Towing service removal of unregistered, abandoned, or illegally parked motor vehicle: law enforcement must inform towing service of the name and last-known address of registered owner and all lienholders [A.Amdt.1: towing service agreement with municipality or county provision] - AB758
Towing service removal of unregistered, abandoned, or illegally parked motor vehicle: law enforcement must inform towing service of the name and last-known address of registered owner and all lienholders -  SB392
Transfer of ownership of vehicles: buyer's responsibility to notify DOT and for costs re removal, impoundment, or disposal of an abandoned vehicle -  AB759
Transfer of ownership of vehicles: buyer's responsibility to notify DOT and for costs re removal, impoundment, or disposal of an abandoned vehicle -  SB393
Vehicle admission receipt re state parks and certain recreational lands: friends groups appointed by DNR may collect and retain a surcharge -  AB479
Motor vehicle — Accident, see also Insurance — Motor vehicle
Memorials to traffic accident victims along state trunk highways: DOT prohibited from removing or altering for one year - AB513
Motor vehicle accident resulting in great bodily harm or death: penalties for failure to remain at the scene revised  - AB375
Motor vehicle accident resulting in great bodily harm or death: penalties for failure to remain at the scene revised  - SB181
Motor vehicle owner's liability for leaving the scene of an accident; defense provisions -  AB928
School board requirements eliminated re reporting school bus accidents to DPI, annually adopting policy on access to extracurricular and recreational school programs and activities, and maintaining a mailbox for each school on a rural mail route; rules prohibiting pupils from possessing or using a paging or two-way communication device on school premises modified - AB725
Motor vehicle — Certificate of title
Driver's license and vehicle title application information, including SSN: DOT may disclose to DOR  - AB498
Motor vehicle certificate of title revised re issuance of distinctive and replacement certificates and reference to DOJ checking records for stolen vehicles; special distinguishing registration plates for national guard members expanded to include certain trucks and motor homes -  AB778
Motor vehicle certificate of title revised re issuance of distinctive and replacement certificates and reference to DOJ checking records for stolen vehicles; special distinguishing registration plates for national guard members expanded to include certain trucks and motor homes -  SB420
Special order of business for March 9, 2004 established re AB-778 -  AR37
Special order of business for March 10, 2004 established re AB-778 or SB-420 -  AR38
Transfer of ownership of vehicles: buyer's responsibility to notify DOT and for costs re removal, impoundment, or disposal of an abandoned vehicle -  AB759
Transfer of ownership of vehicles: buyer's responsibility to notify DOT and for costs re removal, impoundment, or disposal of an abandoned vehicle -  SB393
Vehicle registration and title fees increased [Sec. 2516, 2518, 2520; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 9353 (4q), (4r)]  - SB44
Motor vehicle — Dealers and finance companies